Thursday, March 26, 2009

Nearing the end of School Week 1

So Bo has gone full days the past two days and he is doing great! On Wednesday he took a 1.5 hr nap (and then stayed up until 11 PM!) but today he just played quietly on his cot during naptime. Figures that he does that on Ryan's night to sleep with him :)

Some funny stories of school so far:
  • Bo picks all the girls flowers when they are outside, even the teachers. My guess is he picked up this survival tactic in the orphanage, buttering up to all the female caregivers.
  • Bo's teacher had a rough time testing his blood the first time she tried it and pricked him three times before she got enough blood. Bo shook his head at her and told her what she was doing wrong, my little boss man.
  • He has eaten grits, oatmeal, and mashed potatoes in the past two days - all foods he refuses to eat for me! Our friend Rob told me not to feel bad b/c the people at school are "trained professionals". Hopefully we'll be that good soon.
  • He played duck, duck, goose today during afternoon playtime. When we arrived to pick him up he was running around like a wild man but it was just part of the game.
  • Last week's letter was B so he wore his Red Sox "B" hat to show-n-tell. This week is F so he's bringing a foam door tag that we made together, I added a frog sticker to the back to help him (that's right - already doing his homework for him).
  • Today around 3:00 he asked the teacher where I was and even got a couple tears to flow. She showed him the clock and that the big hand hand to be at the 6 (3:30) and he smiled and ran outside to play on the bikes. I'm glad I'm not the only one he's a drama queen for!

So it is still going great and I can't wait to go back to work on Monday. I know that must seem weird to some of you but this overnight mommy-hood has me feeling like half my brain cells are gone. I need some serious adult time or I am worried I might lose them forever :) Plus, there are just way too many dishes and other messes to clean at home so I can never focus for more than an hour and it has prevented me from really digging in deep with anything and the list of must-do items is reaching a critical point. Tomorrow I plan to come home and veg out with some Brothers and Sisters DVDs and diet coke and enjoy the peace and quiet one last time. Next time I'm home on a workday one of us will probably be sick and I won't really be enjoying it so no one call me tomorrow between 9 and 3 :) Good night, off to tuck in the Bo-ster...

1 comment:

  1. Hello Hawkins Family,
    Aubrey and I were checking out the blog as she keeps asking about BoBo. She was so excited to see his pictures. She started kissing the computer screen! Bo looks great and we are so happy to hear that he is doing well in pre-school. I like the picture book idea. Aubrey will be starting her progression into pre-school the first week in May. It will likely be just as hard for me to return to work as it will be for her to goto school (maybe harder for me! Im loving sleeping in until 0800!!!!). Jim posted today. If it wasnt for him we wouldnt have any story. Thinking of you.... Becci and Aubrey
