Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Quick Update on School

Just a quick recap of yesterday. It went much better than expected with no tears shed by me or Bo. We reviewed the picture story a few times in the morning before going to school and I really emphasized the mommy bye-bye and then mommy comes back later part. When we got to school at 8:15 we walked into the class and the teacher greeted us. I explained the picture story to her and she went over it with Bo and I, then Bo ran off to the other kids and I gave him a quick kiss good-bye and that was it. I got a call about 15 minutes later that he wouldn't eat breakfast, which was no big deal because I had anticipated that and fed him enough at home. When I came back at 11 he was out on the playground but didn't see me pull up because he was so busy playing in the sandbox. Some of the other kids saw me and waved but I just quietly went inside and waited in his classroom. He noticed my car a few minutes later and ran to Miss Carolyn to point at it and raise his arms like "where is she?". Miss Carolyn let him inside and he came in to see me with a big grin. I told him what a big boy he was and that we were staying for his lunch with the other kids. The rest of the class came inside and they all washed their hands at the sink and sat down for a story before lunch. Bo and I went to the director's office with Miss Carolyn so I could do the first training session with the staff on how to use his glucometer. His blood sugar was low so I'll have to adjust some things but other than that all went smoothly. Some highlights of his day were talking to Richard's dad in the morning (in Mandarin, supposedly Bo said that he has 2 computers at home), playing on the classroom computers, doing his artwork, playing music, and a visit from someone at the Ag school who brought three live pigs for the kids to play with. Miss Carolyn said Bo was giggling and saying "oink, oink" when he petted the pigs. He was tired in the afternoon at home. This morning I dropped him off for day 2 and again no major drama. He said "boo bye bye" (no bye bye) when I went to leave but I smiled and nodded yes I am going and he smiled back. I think he was just testing me out. Tomorrow (Wednesday) will be the big full-day adventure. I'm eager to see if he actually naps. I bought him a transformers blanket and pillow and he used them on Sunday and loved them. He asked me for it yesterday afternoon but I told him they were at school. Hopefully when he sees them it will make him think happy thoughts of home and he will actually lay down for a little while. Oh, the last thing about yesterday that was awesome... Bo actually ate everything they served at lunch. In fact he inhaled it and asked for seconds. They ate black-eyed peas over rice, canned pears, and collard greens. He has turned down every green vegetable I have ever offered so this was a big first. I guess the peer influence of all the other kids eating combined with a super hungry kid did the trick.


  1. Ryan & Alison, I'm still faithfully following Bo's adventures in his new home. Thanks for keeping the updates coming - I like hearing how you're all doing and adjusting. We hope we get to meet him next time you come up to visit PA!

    Kristin (Dan says hi too)

  2. I'm glad it's going so well. It sounds like he's enjoying being with other children.
