Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Day #6

Bo loves to swing!
My two LSU boys, Bo starts LSU childcare March 23rd

His new scooter!

Another park photo.

As we near the end of week 1 back in the US there have been a lot of firsts. Bo has been to softball practice, to three different playgrounds, to the outlet mall to go shopping, and to Whole Foods and Target. Ryan said after our Target trip that Bo needs to start wearing a mask when we shop because he makes out like a bandit. On the Target trip he got a new DVD (Cars), a scooter and helmet, a new set of Legos, 2 tee-shirts, new PJs, and a coloring book. There was a story to this trip because while we were in the DVD section he grabbed a Curious George DVD and Ryan and I decided to ditch that and get Cars instead, big mistake! When we got home Bo ran around looking for the Curious George. I showed him Cars and said "yi" for only one and he had a fit. He absolutely came to pieces and threw himself on his bedroom floor and screamed. I picked him up and showed him all the toys we had just bought and he kept saying "boo chee-chuh" which means bad car. So I finally took the Cars DVD and put it in my purse and said bye bye to it and he got the picture and said "hao chee-chuh" for good car and grabbed the DVD and stopped crying. Ryan figured out that Curious George is on PBS every morning at 6 AM and so the DVR is set and every morning Bo starts out with Curious George now. Crisis averted! Yesterday we went to the endocrinologist for the first time. His A1C wasn't horrible so he might have actually been pretty stable at the orphanage but she also agreed that the insulin he was on was totally wrong for a four year old, especially one who is going through a lot of changes and is having a hard time getting used to US foods. So now I am using two types of insulin: a blended shot at breakfast, only fast acting at dinner, and a long acting at bed. That's three shots a day compared to two before and Bo kind of got mad when I went to give him shot #3 last night. She also wants a 4 AM blood sugar every night so I will be doing that more consistently as well. I got a generally good vibe from the doctor so I probably will use her for a little while and cancel the back-up appointment I made with the other pediatric endocrinologist practice in town. She suggested that Ryan and I attend parent education because even though I know a lot about diabetes, his age complicates things and I need to understand that as well. In other areas Bo is doing better and better every day. He spends more time playing with non-electronic toys and his disposition is quite improved now that we've been on about the same schedule for a few nights in a row. We're starting to quiet down for bed around 10 PM now and then sleeping til around 9 AM. Hopefully we'll be on 8 to 7 once school starts (in two weeks!). I think the plan is to lay low this week and then start visits to daycare next week just so he is familiar with the place. He's still a bit shy around other kids but does come out of his shell in small groups. Last night he played with the two girls across the street for about half an hour and he wasn't coming to me for attention at all, just playing nicely.

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