Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Reality Hits!

This is Alison now. It's the middle of the afternoon here and Bo and Ryan are busily coloring with crayons and playing with Star Wars legos. Bo's first picture he drew was of a house with a big sun in the sky, which he promptly gave to me. Today wasn't all so happy and comfortable though. It started off with the crazy high blood sugar Bo had last night, probably from all the food his nannies kept letting him shove in his mouth when we met him. I knew he shouldn't eat that much but it was relaxing him through the very stressful event of meeting us for the first time so we just sat back and let it happen. His blood sugar was 490 pre-dinner, probably why we had to stop the van so he could pee (on the side of the road) twice on the way to and from Baoding. I gave him his regular insulin dose at dinner and then two hours later I tested him and he was still 410. I decided that was too high (and he ate a ton of fruit at dinner) so I decided to give him 2 units of Novolog, a fast acting insulin. At bed time he was already down to 250 and since Novolog acts fast I assumed it was done working. Well, when he woke up this morning he started whining and crying a little. It was sort of normal morning grumpiness and with the big day we had yesterday and waking up in a new place I decided it could just be that but I also decided to test him anyway. He is such a trooper about blood tests. He just sticks out a finger and lets me do it. So even with him tired and whimpering he gave me a finger and I checked his blood, and it was 55! Yikes, definitely low and so I asked Ryan to bring a coke and some cookies for him. He wouldn't have anything we gave him. I even put a straw in the coke (he loves straws) and he took one baby sip and then stopped and covered his mouth with his hands. This was not good. So I gave up and let him lay back down for 15 minutes and then test him again. 15 minutes later I went in with the glucometer and again he promptly stuck out a finger. This time he was 50! Now the war was getting worse. I pleaded with him and showed him everything we had in the room and he said no. We stripped his PJs off of him to wake him up and then about 10 minutes went by and he still just wanted to sleep. He kept pointing at his belly too. Next I decided we had to go to breakfast in the hotel, there must be something there he would eat. SO we dressed him in a track suit and I headed for the elevator, carrying him still half asleep all the way. When I got to the first floor and got off our guide, Michael, was there waiting to pick up the other family traveling with us to take them to do paperwork. I frantically told him the situation and asked him to tell Bo that he had to eat some sugar, NOW! They had a brief conversation where Bo kept saying Bao-xuling or something along those lines which is Chinese for "no way". Then he started to choke and I knew what was coming. I put him down and ke threw up on the floor. When he was finished I picked him back up and I told Michael to tell him one glass of juice and then he can go back to bed and he nodded yes to that so I went running for the breakfast area straight to the juice machines. Now we are staying at a very nice hotel for this region and the breakfast is packed with Chinese businessmen. I plopped Bo down at a table that wasn't even cleared off from the last guest yet and Ryan got two different glasses of juice. Still it was "bao xuling". So I went to the food and made a plate of fruit, steam roll, and a bowl of congee. Still "bao" and grabbing the belly. At this point I gave up and we went upstairs to the room. I tested him again and he was 45, time for business. Out came the glucagon pen and I mixed it up and injected him. Then Ryan got in bed and layed down with him for about half an hour. Then voila, he opened up his eyes and smiled, giggling at us as we both stared at him in dismay. We were 5 minutes away from grabbing the phrase cards and going to the front desk to ask for a hospital. Ever since he woke up he has been perfectly fine. We went for a walk to a grocery down the street and he grabbed a bunch of ramen noodles and a juice box. I heated up the noodles back in the room and he was 150 at lunch. He ate the entire bowl of noodles, I should say inhaled the noodles, and he was so happy afterwards. After lunch he put his ski hat back on and pointed at the door so we went for a walk and found a nice public park, or atleast we assumed it was public as the signs were all in Chinese and no one told us to leave :) Here are some photos from the better half of our day.

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