Sunday, February 22, 2009

Bumper Car Video


  1. Bo,
    I wish I was in China, too, because that place that you went to was really fun! I really like to play the Wii. - Aidan

  2. Hey Alison, Ryan just left me a message this morning that he made it to the Beijing Airport and wanted me to pass that along to you. I will be picking him up around 10 PM local time tonight.


  3. Alison,
    Have you thought about getting some kind of a tether for Bo? Seriously, maybe you could go to Wal-Mart and pick up one of those things that attaches to both of your wrists. They also have backpacks with cute bears that he could wear while you hold onto a strap in the back. I've seen people use them at Disney World. You could conserve your energy and prevent losing him in a crowd, especially when you go back to Beijing. Just a thought - we're worried about you!
